Apr 20, 2012

Dealing with Anger

Do you find yourself mad or angry when someone cuts you off in traffic?
Does your blood pressure go through the roof when your child won't cooperate?

Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion, but learning how to deal with it in a positive way is important.Here are some tips.

  1. Take a 'timeout.' Counting to 10 before reacting really can defuse your temper.
  2. Get some space. Take a break from the person you're angry with until your frustrations subside a bit
  3. Get some exercise.
  4. Think carefully before you say anything.
  5. Don't hold a grudge. If you can forgive the other person, it will help you both. It's unrealistic to expect   everyone to behave exactly as you want.
  6. Use humor to release tensions.
  7. Practice relaxation skills.
  8. Pray to God. Be a blessing to everyone. Having the patience and love the way God showed us.
When you're at home, work or anywhere, be reminded yourself of this banner.

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