May 28, 2012

Make Energy Saving A Home Habit

Households utilizes energy on a daily basis, all day long. It consumes a large percentage of the total energy. Managing the use of the appliances and other home devices should not taken for granted. Here are some helpful tips on how to conserve energy at home and eventually make this as a habit. This will help cut down your energy consumption and lower your electricity bill.

1. Use appliances efficiently
  • Make sure the refrigerator's door is sealed tightly. Set the temperature at 3 to 6 degrees Celcius.
  • Use a microwave oven for cooking or reheating small items
  • In using a washing machine, set the level of the water appropriate to the size of the load. Use cold water to wash and rinse, when practical.
  • Replace aging major appliances with energy-efficient models, when needed.
2. Turn out the lights
  • Do not forget to turn off the light switch when you leave a room
  • Work by daylight when possible
3. Set computers to sleep and hibernate
  • Using these computer modes saves energy and time than shutting down and restarting your computer. Shut down only when you are done for the day.
4. Unplug
  • Unplug appliances when not in use. Some appliances when not is use have standby mode. This still consumes energy.
5. Use sunlight wisely
  • When not using air-conditioner, Leave shades and blinds open on sunny days but close them at nigh to reduce the amount of heat loss through windows.
  • When using or planning to use an air-conditioner, close shades and blinds
6. Act as energy saving model for your children. They learn quickly and will follow your example.

Conservation is not only saving money but also saving the environment for the next generations.

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