May 24, 2012

Turning Your Cell Phone GREEN

Along with the boom of Digital Devices are the consequences it has in the environment. Among these electronic gadgets, the most commonly used are the cellular phones.

Cell phones do contribute to climate change because fossil fuels usually provide the energy used to manufacture, transport and charge them. The Philippines being the World's Text Messaging Capital, according to a recent US study, must know the ways on how to decrease the environmental impact of cell phones. 

Hence, here are some simple tips that will help turn your cell phones green.

1. Unplug Your Phone Charger When Unused

Like any other appliances, your phone's charger still draws energy when not unplugged even when it’s not plugged into your phone.

2. Minimize Your Phone’s Backlight

Illuminating your phone’s backlight longer than you need is a waste of energy. Reduce it to also save your phone's battery life.

3. Power Off Your Phone Entirely

When in a movie, in an airplane or somewhere else you know you can't be reached, power off your phone. Eventually, texts and emails will come later.

4. Only Replace Your Phone When Necessary

Don’t buy a new phone until you need it or go for refurbished phones to save energy and prevent pollution.

5. Only Charge Your Phone When Necessary

Many people are accustomed to charging their cell phones every night whether or not the battery has been depleted. To be less wasteful, don’t charge your phone until the battery really needs it.

Every decision we make, no matter how large or small, is an opportunity to make a difference. Thus, through these simple tips on energy saving, our small steps on helping the environment will lead to millions of small steps added up to huge leaps that will make our planet feel positively everyday.
Let us all learn how to conserve energy not just today but in any day and save Mother Earth by knowing how to turn your cell phones green.

Read more Energy-Saving tips

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